Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Video Inspiration

Two Short videos by Will Hoffman and Daniel Mercadante. Brought to you by Radiolab. Make sure to sign up for their podcast.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Project 05 Pitch List

All ideas due by the end of Friday:

1) Waking up and coming to class. (Ryan, tuc36261@temple.edu)

2) A kid walking into a classroom to take an exam...then scenes of him / her struggling with the test (like a swirling scene or something). Handing into the teacher...leaving the room. (Brett, tub98366@temple.edu)

3) we make a movie about making a movie. but here's the crazy part. the movie we are making a movie about making a movie is about making a movie. (Kevin, tua76593@temple.edu)

4) Someone brings in a shrinkray to class. (Alex, tub97541@temple.edu)

5) Everyone describing how they get to this class with expressive hand gestures (ex: if I were to pass the bell tower every day I would try to show you the scale of it with my hands as I am explaining it to you). (Derrick, tuc18191@temple.edu)

6) growth. Interpreted however (Francesca, francescavanstolk@gmail.com)

7) ??? (Laura, tud55347@temple.edu)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Contemporary Painters

Claude Temin-Vergez

Joanne Greenbaum

Ghada Amer



Donald Odili Odita

Martin Kippenberger

Julie Mehretu

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sculptor List For Project 03

Henry Moore
Jeff Koons
Ron Mueck
Louise Bourgeois
Alexander Calder

Monday, June 6, 2011

Allison Schulnik

Some clay inspiration from the great Allison Schulnik:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

3D/2D Real & Unreal

The digitally manipulated sculptures of Suellen Parker:

The digitally manipulated sculptures of Ida Applebroog:

The digitally manipulated sculpture by a Temple U student:

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wolf Von Lenkiewicz

"I think language is shared through time. There is a shift definitely, but I think we can grasp it. Then we can start deconstructing their intentions by subjecting them to other intentions. I take Michaelangelo's intensions and I subject them to Warho's. At no point do I doubt that I understand their intentions. That is very strange to a post-modern way of thinking actually, which would say that we could never access the past in any real way. ... One starts realizing that artistic intention is accessessible and Roalnd Barthes is wrong"
- Wolf Von Lenkiewicz (Elephant Magazine, Winter 2010)