Thursday, November 19, 2009

Project 4 - Propaganda

Above you will see our syllabus that has been converted into a "real" page turning pamphlet via You can take a multi page pdf paI want to see everyone's final pdf document and upload it to issuu. Then the content can be embedded into your website for viewing. Here are the steps:

1) Go to
2) Signup for a free account (skip the step about telling friends about issuu)
3) Click the "Upload Document" button
4) In your documents folder on Issuu the file will be there. Hover over the document and click the OPEN button
5) On the new page that opens click the "EMBED" button. Copy the appropriate embed code.
6) Go to your blog and make a new post. View it in html (*important) and paste the embed code there. Then give it a preview.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Classic Post: How to Data Mosh

These how-to videos are brought to you by Ryan who shared them with me last semester. These tutorials shows you how to create the effects seen in Chairlift's Evident Utensil video.

above: Screen capture of data mosh as seen in Chairlift's Evident Utensil Video. Click here to watch full video.

How To:

Part I

Part II

Part III

Art / Design Links

I thought I would put up a post of some of my favorite Art and Design websites. Great sources of inspiration and ideas. The image below is by Micah Lidberg via changethethought.

Stop Motion Bouquet

Not to confuse stop motion with rotoscoping but the two share the labor intensive frame-by-frame process. The following are meant to serve as inspiration for our current project. Imagine making one of these frame by frame:

The amazing Allison Schulnik for Grizzly Bear
via The Collective Consciousness

The following videos were brought to my attention by Colin, Mark and Cory:

Frank Zappa / Amazing Mr. Bickford "Dupree's Paradise"
via Colin

Official Video for Fleet Foxes song Mykonos Directed by Sean Pecknold
via Cory

Western Spaghetti by PES
via Mark